Upcoming Adult Programs

Author Christina Dodd Discusses "A Daughter of Fair Verona" with Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Tuesday, July 30th | 7:00 PM (Virtual)

Icons of the romance genre, Christina Dodd and Susan Elizabeth Phillips are joining us for a rollicking fun conversation about Christina's latest release, "A Daughter of Fair Verona", a frothy, irreverent, witty new series with an irresistible premise—Romeo and Juliet’s daughter as a clever, rebellious, fiercely independent young woman in fair Verona—told from the delightfully engaging point of view of the captivating Rosie Montague herself. Of course, being Christina and SEP, they will also talk about books, romance, writing, tomfoolery, and whatever comes up.

About the book:

Once upon a time a young couple met and fell in love. You probably know that story, and how it ended ( badly). Only here’s the That’s not how it ended at all.

Romeo and Juliet are alive and well and the parents of seven kids. I’m the oldest, with the emphasis on ‘old’—a certified spinster at twenty, and happy to stay that way. It’s not easy to keep your taste for romance with parents like mine. Picture it—constant monologues, passionate declarations, fighting, making up, making out . . . it’s exhausting.

Each time they’ve presented me with a betrothal, I’ve set out to find the groom-to-be a more suitable bride. After all, someone sensible needs to stay home and manage this household. But their latest match, Duke Stephano, isn’t so easy to palm off on anyone else. The debaucher has had three previous wives—all of whom met unfortunate ends. Conscience forbids me from consigning another woman to that fate. As it turns out, I don’t have to . . .

At our betrothal ball—where, quite by accident, I meet a beautiful young man who makes me wonder if perhaps there is something to love at first sight—I stumble upon Duke Stephano with a dagger in his chest. But who killed him? His late wives’ families, his relatives, his mistress, his servants—half of Verona had motive. And when everyone around the Duke begins dying, disappearing, or descending into madness, I know I must uncover the killer . . . before death lies on me like an untimely frost.

REGISTER to receive the Zoom webinar link from Ashland Public Library. This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

Presented in partnership with Ashland Public Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library.

Maine Destinations For Stephen King Fans

Tuesday, August 20th | 7:00 PM (Virtual)

Author Sharon Kitchens will discuss her new book, Stephen King's Maine: A History & Guide. Explore Maine locations that serve as the basis for Stephen King’s fictional towns of Castle Rock, Jerusalem’s Lot, Derry, and Haven. Drawing on historical materials and conversations with locals and people who know King, learn about the places that would become the settings for CarrieSalem’s LotThe Dead ZoneCujoIT, and 11/22/63

REGISTER to receive the Zoom webinar link from Tewksbury Public Library. This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

Presented in partnership with Tewksbury Public Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Tewksbury Public Library and Corning Community Impact & Investment.

The Indigenous Old World: An Exploration of Pre-Colombian North America

Wednesday, August 21st | 7:00 PM (Virtual)

Explore the worlds of the Indigenous peoples of North America before European colonization. North America was a place filled with cities, towns, and villages. Across the continent, Indigenous peoples produced architecture and monumental construction. The ancient and medieval communities of North America were fed by agriculture. Moreover, Indigenous Americans actively managed their environment and participated in long distance exchange networks. Led by Christoph Strobel, Department Chair and Professor of History at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He is the author of War and Colonization in the Early American Northeast; Native Americans of New England; and The Global Atlantic: 1400 to 1900. He has published many other books and academic papers.

REGISTER to receive the Zoom webinar link from Tewksbury Public Library. This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

Presented in partnership with Tewksbury Public Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Tewksbury Public Library.

Author Evan Friss Discusses "The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore"

Monday, September 9th | 7:00 PM (Virtual)

Who among us hasn't spent time in a bookstore just meandering around and finding hidden treasures? As we love all things books, we can't wait to chat with author Evan Friss about "The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore" - an affectionate and engaging history of the American bookstore and its central place in American cultural life, from department stores to indies, from highbrow dealers trading in first editions to sidewalk vendors, and from chains to special-interest community destinations. We hope all of our book lovin' friends will join us for this special conversation!

REGISTER to receive the Zoom webinar link from Ashland Public Library. This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

Presented in partnership with Ashland Public Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library.

Body Positivity in Romance Books: Author Panel

Saturday, September 14th | 10:00 AM (Virtual)

We are so excited to chat with fantastic romance authors Olivia Dade, Julie Murphy, Sierra Simone, and Denise Williams on the topic of Body Positivity in romance genre books (or, how it should be in every genre!). We hope you can join us for this very important, fascinating, and fun conversation with some of the very best romance authors advocating the message that every BODY is deserving of love and respect.

REGISTER to receive the Zoom webinar link from Ashland Public Library. This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

Presented in partnership with Ashland Public Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library.

Author Heather Wolf Discusses: Find & Identify More Birds: How to Pick a Patch

Monday, September 23rd | 7:00 PM (Virtual)

Heather Wolf, author of "Find More Birds: 111 Surprising Ways to Spot Birds Wherever You Are," will be discussing how to find and identify more birds by picking a "patch," a place close to home where you can watch birds often. She'll be giving tips on how to pick a patch and how to use it not only as a "classroom" to become a better birder, but also as a way to connect more deeply with the nature that surrounds you.

REGISTER to receive the Zoom webinar link from Ashland Public Library. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

Presented in partnership with Ashland Public Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library.

Great Boston Fires with Author and Historian David Kruh

Monday, September 30th | 7:00 PM (Virtual)

A look at the devastating fires and their impact on Boston, from the many "great" fires of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries (including the truly Great Fire of 1872,) the Cocoanut Grove tragedy of 1942 (which killed 492,) and the Hotel Vendome fire of 1972 (which resulted in the deaths of nine fire fighters.) How did these fires happen? What was learned from these events? What, if anything, was done to try and prevent similar catastrophes? David's newest slide show, filled with images from these events, answers these and other questions.

REGISTER to receive the Zoom webinar link from Ashland Public Library. This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

Presented in partnership with Ashland Public Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library.